If you had the chance to stop by the booth this morning at the Farmer's Market, you probably noticed the tub of garlic scapes. Garlic scapes are becoming more well-known, but the are still new to a lot of people. If left on the plant, they will eventually flower, pulling energy from the plant that could go into making a bigger garlic bulb. Growers often remove the scapes for this reason.
The good news? Garlic scapes are also very tasty!!
So....how does one use garlic scapes? They have a mild garlic flavor and pretty much anything you'd put garlic in tastes good with garlic scapes instead. Stir fry, soups, stews, salads, softened cream cheese, and fresh salsa are just a few things that you can use them in.
To roast garlic scapes:
Put chopped scapes into a lightly oiled over-proof pan. Sprinkle with salt.
Cover and put into a 425 degree oven for 30-45 minutes or until they begin to brown.
Garlic Scape Pesto:
This one is a favorite at Ber-Gust Farms and Joanie gets lots of requests for the recipe!
Chop 4-7 scapes and place in food processor or blender.
Add 1 cup grated asiago or parmesan cheese, a 1/4 tsp salt, and 1 cup olive oil.
Blend until smooth. If needed, add water, a tablespoon at a time, to reach the desired consitency.
Store in the refrigerator in an air tight jar.
The pesto can be served over pasta, on bread, in omlets, brushed onto meats before grilling....the possibilities are limitless.